Google Ads Management Services in Calgary

There are over 1.5 million people in Calgary. And millions of people use Google every day. What if you could advertise your business where the most people could see it?

But you don’t want just anyone viewing your ads. You want to target those who are actively looking for your products and/or services. For that, you’ll need to invest in a Google Ads campaign.

Formerly known as Google AdWords, this marketing strategy is a highly effective way to reach your targeted demographic. Whether you’re running a small startup business or a large enterprise, Google Ads can help you generate more leads and increase your website traffic. 

How do Google Ads work? You select a keyword that you want your ads to appear for, and bid on it against other businesses. The winner of that auction will appear first in search results—even above organic listings.

But to secure this spot, you have to do more than be the highest bidder. You also need to create high-quality ads that take users to a well-designed landing page.

Google Ads use a pay per click model (PPC). With this feature, you only pay when someone clicks one of your ads. To make each click cost-effective, you want your ads seen by those who are most likely to convert into paying customers.

Our management services in Calgary ensure that your campaign is profitable, optimized, and successful.


What We Offer

At First Rank, we do things right. We’re a Certified Google Partner with 10 years of experience. Our online advertising services include:

  • Google Shopping Ads
  • Retargeting Ads
  • YouTube Ads
  • Google Display Ads
  • Local Services Ads
  • Google Search Ads

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for Google Ads. We apply years of experience and advanced conversion tracking to deliver results that speak for themselves. Here’s a look at our process:

Initial Campaign Setup

Before we can optimize your campaign, we need to find out what keywords and demographics to target. We do that through our advanced conversion tracking. This code monitors all the activity that results from your Google Ads, including phone calls, form submissions, and events. Once we’ve created a few initial ads, we’ll run them by you for approval.



There’s no guesswork involved in our Google Ads management services. We adjust your campaign based on real data that we collect through conversion tracking. Our online marketing specialists analyze the performance of your ads and identify which keywords will convert at a reasonable cost. We focus on high-quality leads that get you tangible results.

Once we’ve gathered enough data from conversion tracking, we begin to optimize your campaign for success. It typically takes one month to collect enough data, but it varies based on the industry and how competitive it is. Then, we create ads that are impactful and persuasive to your target demographic.

Our goal is to run ads that generate the highest number of leads for your budget. 


Ongoing Monitoring & Adjusting

After we’ve optimized your campaign, we continue to monitor it and adjust it as needed. We implement custom tools that alert us if there’s ever an issue with your campaign. If one of your ads isn’t approved or running for certain keywords, we’ll be the first to know. 

Our work doesn’t end once your campaign is up and running. We monitor and adjust your ads and keywords each week to further optimize them. We’re always looking at the cost per conversion for your keywords. Then, we turn certain keywords off or alter the targeted demographics.

If we find keywords that have the wrong search intent, we can add them as negative keywords. This means that your ads won’t appear for certain search terms. Adjustments like these ensure that you aren’t paying for clicks that won’t convert.

We manage all aspects of your ad campaigns on an ongoing basis, including:

  • Bid modifiers
  • Split testing ads
  • Keyword expansion
  • Bid management
  • And more


How It Can Help You

There’s a lot more work that goes into a Google Ads campaign than you might think. When you’re running a business, you seldom have the time to manage your ads, let alone optimize them. 

That’s what we’re here for. We’ll take care of the details, and you’ll look after all the new leads that come in as a result. We’ll personally manage your account—it won’t be handed off to someone who’s inexperienced or overseas.

Want to know how a successful campaign will impact your online presence? We’re so confident in our results that we manage ad campaigns for our own marketing company. 

Google phone
conversion rate optimization

With our Google Ads management services in Calgary, you’ll see the following benefits:

  • Know exactly how your campaign is performing

We’ll send out emails each month that tell you everything you need to know about your Google Ads. These KPI (key performance indicator) reports show you how successful your ad campaigns are. If you have any questions or concerns about your monthly report, you can contact us at any time.

  • Better results

Are you currently managing your own Google Ads Campaign? Not only will our services save you time, but you’ll get more leads from the same budget.

We can pick up where you left off with your ad campaigns or start fresh with the data that we collect.

We can take the same budget you spent before on Google Ads, and get you more leads. That’s the power of conversion tracking and optimization.

  • Improve your landing pages

It’s one thing to get users to click on your ads, but it’s another to convert them into customers with a persuasive landing page.

Your landing pages are just as important as the ads that link to them. We will help you improve the design and optimization of your website for a higher conversion rate.

  • Transparent pricing

Some ads management companies will try to use up your budget just to get a bigger pay cut. Not us. We charge a flat management fee regardless of how your budget is allocated—this eliminates any conflict of interest. We aren’t incentivized to overspend; our only goal is to get you the most value out of what you pay.

  • Ownership of your account & analytics

If you’ve worked with ad agencies in the past, you might have lost access to your account as soon as you ended their services. But with us, you’ll retain ownership of your campaign and Google analytics.

We won’t lock you into a long-term contract, either. Instead, we offer month-to-month pricing plans (with a 3-month minimum) and a variety of pricing packages. You can implement a budget cap so that you never overspend on your ads. Once you reach that cap, the ads will no longer appear in Google search results, so you won’t be charged for additional clicks.

Call Us Now!

The competition won’t stand a chance when your website is the first thing that customers see. At First Rank, we offer ads management and SEO services. If you want to take over the first page of Google, you might consider combining paid traffic from Google Ads with the organic traffic from search engine optimization. 

When we manage your Google Ads campaign, you’ll see the difference that experience, conversion tracking, and optimization makes. Contact us today to discuss your online marketing strategy in Calgary.

Contact Us

Please call (204) 272-7265 or fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours. Also, make sure to follow us on social media
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The purpose of First Rank is to help businesses generate leads from their websites. We put a focus on SEO, because we believe it is one of the most cost effective and highest converting forms of traffic generation, however traffic alone is not enough on its own to grow your business. SEO should be combined with conversion optimization, email marketing and retargeting to maximize the ROI of your advertising dollars.