Marketing In Winnipeg

There are all sorts of things to call Winnipeg: Winterpeg, Windy City, Winnerpeg…the list goes on. It was originally referred to as the Gateway to the West due to its railroad systems, and later called Chicago of the North thanks to its inspired architecture. If you remember the children’s books about Winnie-the-Pooh, you’ll be surprised to learn that this name was derived from this wintery city. People love to complain about this snow-covered metropolis for its plummeting temperatures, but it has a lot to boast about: its residents hold the title of Slurpee Capital of the world—not the healthiest accomplishment, but an accomplishment nonetheless; its sports fans are loud and proud, whether they’re cheering for the Jets or the Blue Bombers; and it has a wonderfully diverse arts scene. Along with being a very unique place to live, it’s also a great spot for business. 


Populated by an estimated 763,900 people, companies in Winnipeg need to market themselves properly to stay competitive. They rely on advertising to gain exposure and reach new customers. People in Winnipeg work hard for their money; they want to get the most for what they spend. A company that wants to increase brand awareness needs the highest ROI for their efforts. But a budget can only be split so many ways. Companies are looking for the most cost-effective and persuasive forms of advertising. To help you decide, here’s a comparison of your options: 


Printed Marketing Materials

Posters, billboards, business cards: you name it, and it has been printed. These methods of advertising have been around the longest, but that doesn’t mean they are the best. Investing in a billboard or flyer campaign might seem like a good idea, but the truth is that few people will notice it when they’re staring at their phones. Consumers are exposed to so many ads in a day that they learn to tune them out. To increase brand awareness, you need to meet consumers where they’re at: online. 


Mail Marketing Campaigns

When you were a kid, the idea of getting mail was exciting; as an adult, you know better – it’s usually bills, promotional materials, or junk. Sending direct mail is a costly method that might see a limited ROI as recipients toss their letters straight into the garbage bin.

From writing pitches to designing messages, email campaigns are time-consuming. If you flood your customer’s inbox with too many, you risk annoying them and losing out on business. Your emails have to compete with the dozens of others that they receive from other companies. Alternatively, there’s snail mail; some consumers may prefer physical postcards over digital notifications. The drawback to this method is that it’s slow, expensive, and it might get ignored just like an email. If you’re going to advertise, you really want to target an audience that’s ready to make a purchase. 


Digital Marketing

Out with the old, in with the new: businesses are building their online presence to reach more customers. An important part of this process is creating a website. You want one that is mobile-friendly, with an accessible interface and fast loading times—for every extra second that your website takes to load, conversion rates drop by 12%. Social media platforms allow businesses to make their voices heard. But what good is a website when your customers can’t find it? That’s where SEO comes into play; it’s an integral part of creating an online presence and getting noticed in the digital world.


Search Engine Optimization

When you search for a product or service on Google, you probably click one of the first few results. SEO aims to put your website in these top spots, where they’ll see the most traffic. When your business is listed in one of the first three organic positions, it will see 50% of the total CTR (click-through rate). SEO helps clients who are ready to buy find what they’re looking for; when you can reach prospective clients in this phase, you’re much more likely to see a return on your investment. 

If your website is optimized for search engines, you’ll be exposed to one of the biggest markets there is. All eyes will be on you: 93% of people use search engines when they go online. SEO is the art of building links, creating content, and optimizing websites. But it’s not just a theory—the results are one-of-a-kind. Who wouldn’t want to invest in a marketing strategy that generates leads with a 14.6% close rate?

In Winnipeg, the winters are slow, but your business doesn’t have to be. At First Rank, we specialise in SEO; it’s all we do. If your business needs Winnipeg SEO, don’t hesitate to contact us. It’s what your website needs to rise above the competition, both in sales and in search results. Contact us today, and our experts can create a campaign that will take your website to the top of the first page. 

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The purpose of First Rank is to help businesses generate leads from their websites. We put a focus on SEO, because we believe it is one of the most cost effective and highest converting forms of traffic generation, however traffic alone is not enough on its own to grow your business. SEO should be combined with conversion optimization, email marketing and retargeting to maximize the ROI of your advertising dollars.