Title Tags For Burnaby Businesses

You know the old saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover?”. That’s probably great advice.


But for better or for worse, people do judge books by their cover. And by their titles. 


And if you think your web pages aren’t being judged by their titles, you’re very wrong. 


If you want to stand out from other Burnaby businesses on search engine results pages (SERPs), you’re going to need to choose the right title tags, also known as meta titles. In this quick and easy guide, we’ll teach you what title tags are, and how to optimize them to increase the amount of traffic they’ll get from search engine users.

What are title tags?

Title tags tell search engines, social media platforms, and other websites what to display as the title of your web page. If you don’t tell a website what title page to display, the website will instead guess what your title should be – and they’ll generally use the first <h1> tag they find. 


The title tag is found in the head of your HTML code – it looks like this:


<title>Your Webpage Title</title>


Here is the Burnaby Wikipedia page title:

Title tag

And here it is in the code for the Wikipedia page:

wiki page

See how they match? Simple enough!

Optimizing title tags for Burnaby businesses

Title tags are easy to optimize. Keep your title brief (under 60 characters is generally best), and keep it succinct. You should try to accurately describe what the page is about, and avoid keyword stuffing.


Image you have a product page for 1-piece salmon and fries for your fish + chips shop in Burnaby. Your business is “Burnaby Fish and Chips” Your title tag would probably read something like:


<title>Burnaby Fish and Chips | 1 Piece Salmon</title>


Now that’s a nice title tag! Our fake business happens to have Burnaby in its title – if we were Captain Tasty’s instead, our title tag might read:


<title>Captain Tasty’s | Burnaby Fish and Chips | 1 Piece Salmon</title>


Keep it simple! Include your business name, a major service you provide, and a description of what the page is going to be. 


One last quick tip: the 60 character rule isn’t hard and fast. You can use Moz’s title tag checker to get a preview of how your title will be displayed. 

The title says it all

By providing brief, accurate information about what a web page is in its title tag, you’re accomplishing a lot. You tell users what your page is about, and by doing so, increase your click-through rate and decrease your bounce rate. That’s good for your customers, and it’s good for your rank.


Of course, going through your website and updating all of the title tags is just one small part of SEO. If you want to learn more, keep reading our series of pieces on Burnaby SEO. Want someone else to do the hard work for you? Get in touch with us.