A top ranked Winnipeg SEO company

Increase Inbound Inquiries by 100-500+% Within 12 Months!

Build visibility and credibility online and outrank your competitors on Google.

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Here is what a few of our clients have to say

As a result of First Rank's efforts, call volume tripled for service work. Our website has become significantly more searchable, which has increased site traffic. Looking at our keywords, we appear in two postings on the first page and high in local results. We’re ranking quite high for all of the search items we wanted to rank for. The positive results were instantaneous.
- Daniel Hartley - Powertec
We had incredible results for the SEO project including several hundred thousand views. We also sold $150,000–$200,000 worth of product as a result of First Rank’s SEO efforts. Additionally, three of the articles that we wrote are now on the first page of Google. As a result, we’ve had a number of inquiries, particularly in the last couple of months, and several of them will result in significant sales. They’re a great team to work with... The analytics report that they provide every month is great. Whenever I ask them to do something, it’s typically done in 24 hours. We communicate via email, text, and phone, and we also meet face-to-face periodically.
Ted Cullen - QuikTherm
We continue to be satisfied with their services and the results. The work that Jacob and his team is doing has provided us with phenomenal traction. Before working with them, we were hovering around page two or three on a dozen keywords that were important to us. Now, we’re consistently ranking either one, two, or three on all the keywords and key searches that we wanted to be ranked on, which has been huge. We’ve also seen our numbers go from an average of 10 requests per month to about 30. It’s been a great partnership.
- Gaurav Bhatt - PrintPro
For most of the keywords, we ranked in the top three search results if not the first result. Their team maintained those rankings too. We eventually reached close to the top three search results for the other keywords. First Rank had a big impact on our business. They were directly responsible for a 2-times increase in our business...The qualities that make them stand out are integrity and communication. Jacob’s one of the nicest entrepreneurs that I know. As a result of his quality coaching, we maintained a relationship throughout the project.
- Donald Spann - Companion Maids

Video Testimonials

See what our clients have to say about our SEO services.

Case Study 1

This site had poor-quality links from previous SEO companies and was hacked for several months.

To fix that, we cleaned up the site and improved the on-page and technical SEO elements. We also did high-quality off-page and outreach work. 

Winnipeg SEO Case Study

Case Study 2

In 12 months, we took this client site from 232 organic visitors a month to 933.

On the left, you can see the site’s current rankings in Google, along with the lifetime ranking improvements for the most important keywords.

Case Study 3

This client went from not ranking in the top 10 pages to ranking #1 for most of their keywords – in under 12 months!

In terms of new traffic from Google, that’s the difference between 9 and 244 new visitors a month!

Case Study 4

We created this site strictly for testing. Our tests were successful and the site outranked all of the competitors.

According to Google’s Keyword Planner, this keyword was only supposed to get 90 searches per month. But on average, we were getting 25 – 75 inbound phone calls per month from this website.

Learn the 5 things You Must Know Before Hiring an SEO Agency

Watch the video to learn the 5 most important factors to consider when hiring an SEO company.

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The bottom line is this: if you don’t make a great ROI, you won’t continue to hire us month after month. We’re only looking for long-term relationships, so if we don’t think we can get you a great return on investment, we won’t take you on as a client to begin with. To ensure the sustainability of our agency, we prefer to take on new clients for whom we’re confident we can generate an ROI of at least 100%. That being said, many clients see a 200% – 500% return on our services.

We Are Part of Your Team

Our only goal is to help you succeed. Most SEO companies base their packages on specific tasks that will be accomplished. In contrast, our SEO services are based on the results we will achieve for you. If your project turns out to take twice as much effort as we expected, that’s on us. We work until you rank. End of story.

Trackable Results

Do you ever wonder which of your advertising dollars are generating revenue for you, and which are wasted? With our proprietary call tracking and Analytics software, you can see exactly where your new clients are coming from. Track customers through every step of the sales process. With this information, you can determine which advertising campaigns should get scaled, and which should get cut.

Forward Thinking

We don’t base our business on loopholes that get your website ranking on the first page with today’s algorithm, only to be de-indexed soon after. Our methods are aligned with Google’s core values, and we look forward to new algorithm updates. New updates typically weed out sites using questionable SEO practices and help our clients’ sites move up in search engine results pages.


Our Services

If you would like your website to generate more sales, you’re in the right place. All of our services are based on increasing the number of visitors to your website and increasing the conversion rate of your website. In short, increasing your sales. Not all of our services are for all businesses, but you don’t need to figure it out on your own.

If you’re looking to white label our SEO services, please see our SEO Resellers Program for more information.

team sitting at the board table discussing work

How We Can Help

You can read summaries of our services below, and if you are unsure what would be the most beneficial for your business, give us a call at 204-272-7265. You can also fill out our short application form, and we’ll walk you through our services. Find out what kinds of results you could realistically expect over the short and long term. We factor in the level of competition in your industry and the number of search volumes for relevant keywords.

Single Site SEO

With our single site SEO service, our goal is to rank your website first in organic search results. We aim to make your site rank for as many related keywords as you’d like to target. To accomplish this, we do keyword research, along with ongoing on-page and off-page SEO.
The monthly cost for this service varies greatly; it depends on the competitiveness of your market and the number of verticals you’d like to rank for. This is a great option for small to medium-sized businesses that are just getting started with SEO or have limited marketing budgets. Our single site SEO service is the full extent of what most Winnipeg SEO companies offer.

Local Business SEO

For local search terms, Google often displays a pack of three local results near the top of the page with a map. On a mobile browser, these listings have a call button located directly on the search results page. In January 2014, mobile search volumes surpassed desktop search volumes. This made showing up in these local results more important than ever.
The algorithm used to determine which businesses are displayed in these local listings is completely different from the algorithm used in organic results. Our Local Business SEO service is provided as an add-on to our other SEO services, since onsite optimization is required for both organic rankings and Google Places rankings.

Video SEO

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million. Through Video SEO, we leverage the selling power of video marketing with the distribution power of SEO. Our video SEO service includes the optimization of high-quality promotional videos. We then upload these videos to YouTube and rank them on the first page of Google.

Search Engine Domination

Search engine domination is an SEO strategy that leverages all of our other SEO services and more. The purpose of search engine domination is not only to rank your website at the top of page one, but to push your top competitors down the page.
Imagine if the first three results on the page belonged to your business. Every first page position that belongs to you pushes a competitor onto the second page. Since the majority of people have a very limited understanding of SEO, if there are five first page results related to your business, people will assume that your business is the most reputable. In addition to your website and YouTube videos, we can rank Yelp pages, Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, LinkedIn profiles, business directory listings, and more.

Online Reputation Management

Do you have a negative review or news article that’s showing up on the first page of Google? Online Reputation Management (ORM) is similar to search engine domination, except we rank properties for your brand keyword instead of industry-related search terms. Since brand terms are far less competitive than product or service-related keywords, we can fill all 10 of the first page positions with properties owned by you, and push the negative press onto page two.

Integration Marketing

There is much more to internet marketing than SEO. Search engine optimization is a great way to bring traffic to your website, but how do you make that traffic convert into paying customers?
Most business websites we see are great online brochures. Unfortunately, great information and graphics aren’t enough to turn people into buyers.
On average, only 2% of people make a purchase on their first interaction with a business. 80% of sales are made on the 5th – 12th interaction. So, what are you doing to capture people’s information?


We build sales funnels that include:

  • low threshold offers and relevant opt-in bait
  • an email auto-responder series
  • re-targeting campaigns

Our goal for our integrated marketing clients is simply to increase revenue. Traffic generation is only half of the equation, and with this service, we generate traffic and make sure it converts.

What Our Clients
Say About Us

Read some of our Google reviews from clients below:

Google Reviews:

Kevin Buhler
Ben Bulger
Sarah Gillman
Ron Hermann
Recommended by 31 people

Kevin Buhler

I can’t say enough about the team at First Rank. They took our business which was struggling to gain ranking on Google and in a short period of time we are now ranking 1st for many searches and they have doubled our business.

Ben Bulger

This is THE SEO COMPANY in Winnipeg! Their results speak for themselves. I found them on the first page and the first link of google. They dominate their space and have helped us grow online 100x to where we were before. If you want more leads for your business than you can handle give these guys a call. Patrick is great to deal with and always super responsive. Very knowledgeable. Best investment we have ever made. Would recommend to everyone business owner I know.

Sarah Gillman

I thoroughly enjoy working with Mickey and his team. They are knowledgeable and provide great results for the organization that I was with. First Rank took the time to get to know the uniqueness of my organization and marketed it well. Thank you!

Ron Hermann

I want to thank Mickey for his consultative approach to customer support for my company. His knowledgeable approach to SEO maximizing is top notch. First Ranks professional approach when working with their customers is why they excel in Search Engine Optimization. Thank you!

Lynn Tran

We have definitely seen the difference in our SEO since working with First Rank. Patrick has been a great asset and the reporting that we are able to get snapshots of each month have been a fantastic tool!

Danica Charrière-Boux

I came to Jacob and his team to help me see where I could improve on our Google rankings and if there were any changes I could do myself, not being super tech savvy. After a short meeting with Jacob, he shared with me some analytics and gave me confidence to change a few things myself that would make a big difference. With new found confidence, I went back to my office and implemented them that day. A month later, Jacob sent me the comparables and I couldn’t believe how the small changes I did resulted in such better results. The way I felt heard, supported and given confidence to do things myself, by a bunch of tech gurus, was really appreciated. They certainly know what they’re doing and you can tell they truly want to help others!

Leadership Team

Winnipeg SEO First Rank Founder Jacob Kettner

First of all, I’d like to congratulate you on taking action. One of the few guarantees in business is that if you don’t take action, you will not succeed. The fact that you’re on my site tells me that you’re ready to take action and you’re serious about growing your business. Before we start working together, I’ll want to know a lot about you and your business. To start, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself.

I started my first online business in 2005, long before the inception of this Canadian SEO Company. Then, I started developing and selling multiple internet-based businesses, ranging from promoting national brands for commissions, to sourcing and reselling physical products to creating and marketing digital products. Over the last decade, I’ve acquired a comprehensive understanding of the most effective traffic generation and conversion optimization techniques for selling online.

Although these businesses provided a great source of income throughout university, I decided I wanted to do something more meaningful after I graduated from the Asper School of Business with a double major in Marketing and Entrepreneurship.

At the time, I was selling the same products that hundreds of other online stores were selling. However, I was making more sales because I was better at online marketing than most of my competitors. The problem was that my customers were already searching for and ready to buy the products that I was selling. I made the sales because my site showed up first. If my website didn’t exist, these same customers would have found another store and still purchased the product.

In reality, I wasn’t providing any added value to the manufacturer or the purchaser; I was just getting paid because my website had the most visibility.

After reading No B.S. Direct Response Marketing by Dan Kennedy, I began to realize how much of a difference my skills could make to local brick-and-mortar businesses. The book (which I highly recommend you read if you haven’t) is about direct marketing for non-direct marketing businesses.

One of the biggest mistakes most local businesses make is imitating the marketing strategies of big businesses. Throughout business school, I continually heard that “the purpose of advertising is to alter attitudes, not behaviours.” This may be true for a company like Coca-Cola that can afford to spend a million dollars on an ad to keep their brand in our evoked set, but for a business with a limited marketing budget, every dollar spent on advertising should be accountable for an increase in profit of more than a dollar.

The purpose of First Rank is to help businesses generate leads from their websites. We put a focus on SEO because we believe it is one of the most cost-effective and highest-converting forms of traffic generation. However, traffic alone is not enough on its own to grow your business. SEO should be combined with conversion optimization, email marketing, web design, and retargeting to maximize the ROI of your advertising dollars.

Our Team

Meet the team behind our success!

Jacob Kettner Founder
Kiara Fulham Operations Manager
Terry Williams Head Of SEO
Mickey Serebnitski Business Development
Anastasia Evsigneeva Client Success Manager
Chris Choi Client Success Manager
Donnie Glennie Business Development
Bre Genthon Office Administrator
Kyle Vouriot Senior Technical & On-Page SEO Specialist
Ian Ediger Senior Developer
Warren Bradt Junior Developer
Warren Bradt Junior Web Developer
Denys Tereshchenko Technical & On-Page SEO Specialist
Ruby Muibi Web Developer
Anastasiia Kozii Off-Page SEO Coordinator
Matt Wire Digital Marketing Specialist
Kaaveri Pandya Digital Media & Graphic Designer
headshot of West Manio
West Manio Outreach Team Leader
Cirene Cimafranca
Cirene Cimafranca Outreach Associate
headshot of Ryan Suchit, Partner and Google Ads Manager
Ryan S Google Ads Manager
Aliza Amihude Content Editor
Aliza Amihude Content Editor
Madeleine Baisburd Writer
Madeleine Baisburd Writer
Paul Wyrchowny Writer
Paul Wyrchowny Writer
Rylie Smith Administration
Rylie Smith Administration
headshot of Hughie, Human Resources at First Rank Search Engine Marketing
Hughie Human Resources

Contact Us

Please call (204) 272-7265 or fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours. Also, make sure to follow us on social media
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The purpose of First Rank is to help businesses generate leads from their websites. We put a focus on SEO, because we believe it is one of the most cost effective and highest converting forms of traffic generation, however traffic alone is not enough on its own to grow your business. SEO should be combined with conversion optimization, email marketing and retargeting to maximize the ROI of your advertising dollars.